Anxiety Counseling in Greensboro, North Carolina


Helping women stop the anxiety and regain control of their lives

Life comes with a lot of constant worries and concerns.

Most women who start anxiety counseling feel like they are going round in circles, repeating negative patterns. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you’re noticing that you complain a lot about feeling stressed, tired, and unfulfilled or you know you’d be happier if you made changes but it feels safer and more comfortable to stay the same.

Stuck in negativity and feeling worried all the time, you may feel like life is controlled by anxiety.

Do You Feel Stressed, Worried, Overwhelmed?


Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • You are in a constant state of panic and it rules your life.

  • You feel dread, fear, strange thoughts, and a pounding heart.

  • You feel fear-stricken, even in the “comfort” of your own home.

  • You feel like there are so many things to manage and your forever growing “to-do list” leaves you feeling completely overwhelmed.

If these sound true for you, I want you to know that you’re not “crazy.” And even though you might feel alone in your struggle, what you are going through is common and it’s okay to ask for help.

Self-care is not an indulgence or a selfish act. In fact, it is especially important to take care of yourself when you have the responsibility of caring for others.

Anxiety Counseling Can Help You Feel Less Anxiety And Stress

It’s possible to feel better. Imagine a life where you could…

  • Stop worrying all the time.

  • Control how you respond to anxious thoughts.

  • Stop letting anxiety affect the way you live or make any decisions for you.

  • Get to the root problems and solve those instead of using band-aids.

Control Your Anxiety


Anxiety counseling helps you rise above your challenges and start moving towards your ideal life with less stress and more calm.

You will get you the toolbox of practical actions you need to find your way through difficult feelings and situations and lower your overall anxiety in life.

Even if you are not sure how a therapist could help you, anxiety counseling may be able to help. I’ve helped women struggling with constant worry find their way to feeling calmer. My clients discover that it’s possible to live a balanced life–one that isn’t dictated by stress or negative emotions. With new motivation, comes new energy to create a life that brings them joy.

My name is Allie Fals, and I am a therapist and anxiety expert who is here to help.

How Anxiety Counseling Works

Anxiety counseling consists of 55-minute, one-on-one sessions that help you work through your concerns. In addition to listening, I will ask questions and motivate you with ideas, I play an active role. Here’s how it will work step-by-step:

1. First, I provide a safe, accepting space so that you will feel comfortable sharing your struggles with me.

2. Through hearing your story, I will start to get a picture of what your challenges are.

3. We will start by helping you with immediate concerns like managing difficult emotions and challenging life situations.

4. We will also work to discover what your goals are in therapy and in life.

5. Keeping your unique goals in mind, we’ll figure out what’s needed to help you reach them.

6. Over the course of our sessions, you will start making progress towards the life you desire.

Research shows that depression counseling can positively change your thinking, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. It can help you let go of what’s holding you back.


Let’s get started

Ready to start feeling better? If you feel like you are going round in circles, and are constantly battling negative emotions, counseling for depression can help.

Start now and find meaning and joy in life again. During your free video consultation you can share what’s going on for you and we can explore how I can help.

Schedule your free video consultation today through Calendly.